React is an open source advanced client side Javascript framework based on MVC. The React course from php2ranjan covers both the basic and advanced concepts to create SPA starting from designing to coding and testing as a complete cycle. And React application is as much as easy as you already know JavaScript. Lot of modules come alive day by day making React development further easy. There is no need of converting JSON to server side objects as in React case both client and server runs on JavaScript. is the real time React training company in hyderabad. We providing React training in hyderabad, online React training in hyderabad, React online training in hyderabad, low cost React training in hyderabad, real time React training institute in hyderabad with placement.
php2ranjan is React training in hyderabad. please Call For training at Whatsapp-09347045052 or email at
React Course Modules
Top-Level Content
- JavaScript – Basics and In-depth
- React – Basics and In-depth
- Node – Basics
- React with Node
- Basics of JavaScript
- JavaScript in depth
- Creating classes
- Creating private/public/global fields
- Creating private/public/global functions
- Dynamic rendering with JavaScript
- Events
- Introduction to React
- Original DOM vs Virtual DOM
- React Components
- React Components with JSX
- React Components with ES6
- Props and state
- Basics of Node and Installation
- Introduction to Npm
- Adding and removing modules
React with Node
- Creating an application using Create React App
- Life Cycle
- Debugging
- Default values
- SetState in depth
- Creating Forms
- Creating Table
- Handling Events
- Applying Filters
- JSX in depth
- Validations
- Applying Styles
- Backend calls
- Stateful Components
- Stateless Components
- Local Storage
- Local Storage
- Routing
- Basic Routing and Passing Params
- Hyperlinks
- Master Pages
- Reconciliation
- Creating Reusable Components
- React.Component vs React.pure Component
- Composition vs Inheritance
- Code Reusability and Optimization
- Fragments
- Bundling
- Deploying
Integration of 3rd party Modules
- Google Maps
- Bootstrap Controls
- Material UI
- Toast Messages for notifications
- Other Debugging Options
- Developer Tools
- Current Applications developed in React
- Future of React
- Introduction to Starter Kits
- Integration with other libraries