Node is an open source advanced client side Javascript framework based on MVC. The Node course from php2ranjan covers both the basic and advanced concepts to create SPA starting from designing to coding and testing as a complete cycle. And Node application is as much as easy as you already know JavaScript. Lot of modules come alive day by day making Node development further easy. There is no need of converting JSON to server side objects as in Node case both client and server runs on JavaScript. is the real time Node training company in hyderabad. We providing Node training in hyderabad, online Node training in hyderabad, Node online training in hyderabad, low cost Node training in hyderabad, real time Node training institute in hyderabad with placement.
php2ranjan is Node training in hyderabad. please Call For training at Whatsapp-09347045052 or email at
Node Course Modules
Introduction to Node
- Node Modules
- Functions
- Buffer
- Module
- Modules Types
- Core Modules
- Local Modules
- Modules Exports
Node Package Manager
- What is NPM
- Installing Packages Locally
- Installing package globally
- Adding dependency in package Json
- Updating packages
Creating Web Server
- Creating Web Server
- Sending Requests
- Handling HTTP requests
File System
- Read File
- Writing a File
- Opening a File
- Deleting a File
- Writing a file asynchronously
- Other I/O Operations
Debugging Node Application
- Event Emitter class
- Inheriting Events
- Returning event emitter
Express JS
- Configuring Routes
- Working with Express
Serving Static Resources
- Serving Static Files
- Working with Middle Ware
Database Connectivity
- Connecting String
- Configuring
- Updating Records
- Working with Select Command
- Deleting Records
Project Development
- Project Development using Node